Steamed ginger milk pudding, a ginger-infused sweet custardy milk pudding is a delicious traditional Chinese dessert that is very easy to prepare and is extremely comforting, healthy and nourishing. The strong aroma of ginger makes this silky milk custard so warm and appealing. This silky dessert, known as 姜汁炖鲜奶 is commonly found in eateries in Hong Kong. It’s just the perfect dessert after any meal anytime of the day, served hot or chilled.
Steamed Ginger Milk Pudding
Tap or Hover to Adjust Servings
- 4 egg whites, room temperature
- 450 ml fresh milk
- 2 tbsp sugar
- ⅛ tsp salt
- 2 tbsp ginger juice, old ginger (50g)
- To make this pudding, first prepare all ingredients needed.
- Skinned, grate to express ginger juice from ginger. Separate the eggs for egg whites.
- Using an egg separator, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites. Retain egg whites and keep the yolks for other use.
- To express ginger juice, first scrape the edge of a metal spoon against the ginger to peel off the skin.
- Then grate the ginger with the finest grater you have.
- Gather the ginger pulp in a small pile in a bowl. Use a spatula, press the pulp against the bowl.
- Using a fine mesh strainer set over a bowl or jar, strain the ginger juice into the container. And we're done with the juice!
- To make the pudding, first pour the egg whites into a large measuring cup or container.
- Add in sugar.
- Followed by the pinch of salt.
- Using a wire whisk, mix to dissolve sugar and salt in the egg whites.
- Then slowly add in the fresh milk.
- With the same wire whisk, mix everything together.
- Using a strainer, strain the milk mixture into a clean container to remove the air bubbles.
- Then add in the freshly squeezed ginger juice.
- Mix well the ginger juice with the milk and egg mixture.
- Put a steaming bowl on a scale and pour the ginger milk mixture into it using the strainer.
- Divide the ginger milk mixture evenly into the bowls.
- Skim off any air bubbles on the top of milk, if any.
- Cling wrap tightly each bowl of ginger milk mixture.
- Prepare the steamer by boiling some water in a wok. Place a plate with holes to allow steam to pass in the wok.
- Carefully and gently place the wrapped bowls into the steamer over the boiling water.
- Cover and steam over medium low heat for 15 minutes. And we're done!
- Traditionally, these are served hot. But they taste equally good chilled.
- To serve the pudding cold, let rest to room temperature. Then cover with cling wrap and chill in refrigerator.

Hi, i would like to check after steaming for 30min. My milk custard looks so watery and nt curd into like custard form. Kind ly advise. Thank you veey much
Hi, make sure to use mature or old ginger as it is the juice from old ginger that contain a starchy content for curding the milk. Please do not use young ginger for this recipe. Hope this helps. Thanks
Hi there,
If I make these ahead and refrigerate them, how do you suppose I should heat them up the next day without sacrificing the texture?
Just give a gentle steam of less than 5 minutes should be fine.